Q: How does it work?
A: The combined
action of the motorized roller and aspiration effectively
folds and unfolds the skin for intensive tissue rejuvenation.
This safely and efficiently revitalizes lymphatic and venous
exchanges. Endermologie gently penetrates each skin layer,
smoothing and shaping curves, while the uplifting, relaxing
pulsation exercises skin; toning and tightening for a whole
body transformation.
Q: Is Endermologie® really effective?
A: Yes! Clinical
studies from UCLA, Vanderbilt University, and many European
Universities have proven results of the Endermologie machine. According to Dr. Robert Ersek, M.D.C.S, who completed an extensive
study of Endermologie; “Women who received Endermologie
treatments for their cellulite found that those areas also experienced
a reduction in inches.
Waists, hips, thighs, derrieres and stomachs
all became shapelier as treatment progressed, even when the
women experienced no weight loss. This is significant advancement
in reducing body measurements and skin conditioning.”
For more information on these studies, visit LPG’s website, www.cosire-lpg.com
Q: Is Endermologie® new?
A: Endermologie has been a specialized procedure for the treatment
of cellulite and body contouring since 1986. Over 95,000 treatments
are now performed every day in over 95 counties worldwide. 
Q: What is Cellulite?
A: Cellulite is a skin condition that affects approximately 90%
of all women. When normal fatty tissue is stored, it is held
in place by a network of collagen and elastin fibers. When the
system works well, the vascular system takes energy from the
fat stores, and toxins are flushed away by the lymph system.
When this waste removal process fails, waste products build
up, and the connective tissue becomes saturated with fluid,
turning inflamed and swollen. The growing fat cells destroy
the network of collagen and elastin fibers, and thicken into
hard pockets of fat, encroaching on vascular and lymphatic vessels.
The hardened fat pockets are the cause of the cottage cheese
Q: Who performs the treatment?
A: All treatments are performed by qualified Endermologie Technicians,
who are trained and certified by LPG Systems. Although it is
actually the machine that does the work, most of the amazing
results of Endermologie come from the technician performing
the treatment. When selecting an Endermologie Technician, it
is vitally important to verify training, knowledge, and certification. 
Q: How long does a treatment
A: A treatment lasts approximately 40 minutes. The main focus of
the treatment is directed to problem areas, but the entire body
is treated in order to simulate general circulation and the
elimination of broken up toxic matters. 
Q: How many treatments do I need?
A: Results vary from every person, however an average person
starts to notice significant changes after 5-7 treatments.
A series of 15 treatments is a good start to achieve measurable
results. The treatment should be scheduled twice a week until
the desired look is achieved. After the ideal appearance is
obtained, a once a month maintenance is sufficient for most
Q: Does the procedure hurt?
A: With a highly trained therapist, and the machine’s
capability of changing intensity, rest assured that you are
in the best possible hands. Endermologie is a non-invasive,
relaxing treatment that involves no medical procedure or use
of any chemical substances, creams or gels. 
Q: Can everyone receive the
A: It is not for pregnant women, those taking blood thinners, or
those with circulatory disease, active cancer, infective progressive
diseases, or AIDS. Should you have any concerns, we strongly
recommend that you consult your physician. 
Q: Does the treatment have
any side effects?
A: Occasionally
those with sensitive skin may experience some minor bruising.
However, there are numerous positive side effects, such as relieving
muscle soreness, the fading of stretch marks and scar tissue,
and feeling rejuvenated and relaxed. 
Q: Do Athletes benefit from Endermologie®?
A: The unique action
of the Endermologie technology softens and reconditions the
connective tissue, leading to an athlete’s greater range
of motion, fewer injuries, and reduction of muscle aches and
pains. Since Endermologie has been found to expel toxins trapped
in the tissue, it is also great for athletes needing to rid
their body of the build up of lactic acid. 
Q: Does this treatment work
on men?
A: Yes, especially
for the traditional male problem areas: love handles and loose
pectoral tissues. 
Q: Will I lose weight?
A: No, it is not a weight loss program, however, many clients report
being able to lose weight, especially fat, more easily as a
result of the treatment. You’ll also notice your clothes
fitting better, due to loss in circumferential body measurements.
As it is very effective for toning the skin, it is helpful in
tightening loose skin during or after weight loss. 
Q: What is the difference between
Endermologie® and Liposuction?
A: Endermologie
treatments are non-invasive and improve the health of connective
tissue. Liposuction is an invasive surgical procedure aimed
at removing deep fat tissue from a specific problem area. However,
many Plastic Surgeons have found Endermologie an effective way
to maximize the results of liposuction, by helping to minimize
the trauma caused by the procedure, reduce the swelling, and
smooth the skin. 
Q: What will I feel like afterwards?
A: Most clients report a feeling of relaxation and an increase
in energy. It is recommended that you drink at least 8 glasses
of water daily to aid in the elimination of the mobilized fat
and waste. 

Royal Touch Endermologie®
A safe and effective solution for cellulite ~ and much